Saturday, April 29, 2006

Weird and wonderful gifts from my employees

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This bunny is way too cute to eat. It was purchased at a specialty bakery and was given to me for Easter. 100% marzipan.

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I got this crazy ceramic Chinese doll from one of my reps when she returned from a trip to China. As you can see, it has synthetic hair. What you can't see is that it also has a penis. (I'm not kidding.) Bonus: it came in a very elegant looking Chinese box which is now the perfect home for my ganja stash.

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I scored this novelty slot-machine pencil sharpener from a rep who returned from a weekend trip to Vegas. Very entertaining. Bar, Bar, Bar! Cherry, Cherry, Cherry!

Monday, April 24, 2006

No Flyers, Please!

Does anyone know if putting up a little sign on your mailbox or your front door actually means you won't get junk mail? Or is some minimum wage delivery person that's gotta drop 1000 flyers just gonna shove one in there anyway? What is anyone gonna do about it, really? If it actually works, I have to say, flyer-haters all over my neighbourhood have been missing out on some serious gems lately. Are evil forces such as voodoo, obeah, black magic and witchcraft destroying me and my family? YES! KARINA will come to YOU, folks. Money back guarantee!

How are you ever going to change your life when that little sign on your mailbox means KARINA can't even leave you her flyer? She's probably put a curse on you already.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

And then we were two...

I had to send sweet Moe to kitty heaven yesterday. His feline leukemia caught up with him and there wasn't much that could be done. It was agonizing, heartbreaking and truly awful. I was a mess at the clinic; a total disaster. The staff were so good to me. I held a very quiet and still Monsignor in my arms and hugged him to me, just before it was time. He purred, and he never purrs - I think he was hugging me back, just a little. I wish we could have spent more time together. Rest in peace, big guy - I will never forget you.