- Cleaned fish tank.
- Purchased 5 new fish - 2 of which, my lovely pearl gouramis, named George & Loretta, are dead already - I won't be going back to that pet store any time soon. Fish should come with warrantees. Owner negligence cannot be the reason if they die within 24 hours.
- Filed my income tax return (well before the deadline, I might add!). I'm getting a whopping $91 refund, which is next to nothing, but which I'm ridiculously happy about because I thought I was going to owe money.
- Scheduled my next career counselling appointment.
- Helped teach my 3 Tuesday dog classes.
I'm planning to start jogging every day with the mutters, but I'm waiting for it to get a bit warmer. I have to walk her anyways, so why not give us both a little more exercise while I'm at it? The idea of me jogging is hilarious in itself, given that I'm not exactly the sporty/active type, and that I smoke half a pack of cigarettes everyday. We'll see how it works out. The weather is getting nicer and I think that spring might actually be around the corner. It's sunny, the snow is melting, and I hear birds chirping - all good signs. I rediscovered my Ella Fitzgerald CD today and it was the perfect spring day listen - happy, hopeful and lively. I'd forgotten how much I've missed it.
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